

작성일 : 07-04-12 06:10
Timing belt broke at high speed on 2000 Hyundai Sonata GLS 2.5L 6 cyl Fuel Injection.
 글쓴이 : B. Johnson
조회 : 4,149  
Timing belt broke at high speed on 2000 Hyundai Sonata GLS 2.5L 6 cyl Fuel Injection.
Should I try replacing the belt, or time for a new engine?
Do the pistons hit the valves every time a belt brakes on this 2.5 liter engine?
Please sugest so I don't waist a lot of time with the belt if their is no chance of fixing the engine.

오토랜… 00-00-00 00:00
Hi, Mr. Johnson. Sorry for hearing such a sad news. Always need preventive mainternance for timing belt within 50,000~60,000 miles. When it breaks, pistons hit the valves every time on your 2.5 liter engine because there's not enough clearance between the sylinder head and the top of the piston. So if you're driving at high speed, you need both-sylinder-head-job and must examine the pistons precisely whether they cab be used again or not. Tks for your visitting our homepage..